We are no more like Christ than when we take responsibility for things we didn't mess up. I am so good at seeing messes that other people make. In their lives; in the lives of other people; messes in their homes and on their jobs; interpersonal relationships; family strife. All of those messes!!!!! Its like the proverbial juice stain in the carpeting of their lives. And many times I'm like my little sons. If I see a stain I'll ask, "why didn't you wipe that up?" And they will say, " Cuss' I didn't spill it." And I too will see problems arise and if I didn't contribute to the problem I don't see the need to stoop down and do anything about it besides stating in my infinite wisdom, "Wow what a mess!"
What if God did that? What if he judged us and our messes and stood back and merely said, "Wow, what a mess!" What if God took the stance, "Let the one who made the mess clean up the mess." No, God through Jesus Christ took responsibility for our mess even though He had absolutely positively nothing to do with the mess!!!! Jesus Christ lived a sinless life. He contributed not a drop in the deep pool of human sin. But instead of saying, "Clean that up." Jesus says I'll take responsibility for my beloved's mistakes.
Now the wonder of this truth is this: What if we lived in that manner? What if we became part of the solutions to other peoples messes? I mean intentionally and consistently determine to help, heal,& hold those around us who mess up. Instead of stating the obvious; instead of blaming; instead of accusing; we lovingly stoop down and try to do something to help in the cleansing process. In our homes, on our jobs, in the world.
I'm beginning to believe that is what is meant by bearing our cross.